Anytype : un outil Object-Based, Ontology-Friendly, Open-Source, Peer-to-Peer & E2E-Encrypted & Local-First!


Récente découverte issue de ma veille sur les PKM (Personal Knowledge Management) Apps, je vous présente Anytype :

Cette application basée notamment sur un système d’objets, de types et de relations, ce qui en fait un très bon candidat pour représenter et éditer, à minima de manière protoypale, des ontologies en établissant des relations sémantiques entre les nodes.

Object-based knowledge management is a technique that enhances knowledge capture efficiency by enabling you to model the entities in your world of interest and describe their structure through metadata , such as properties. These properties can also assist in defining relationships between entities , effectively allowing the creation of an ontology. The development of an ontology can significantly improve your understanding and retention of complex information, as it promotes active engagement with it. Moreover, it can facilitate easier information retrieval, as the structured nature of object-based notes allows for efficient organization and categorization .
- AnyType - Local-First E2E Encrypted PKM Tool

Quelques autres ressources complémentaires sur le sujet :

Pour le cas d’usage de Cdlt, j’étais parti à la base pour faire un vault sur Obsidian, mais il me semble que cet outil serait finalement beaucoup plus pertinent & cohérent (peut être même plus qu’un Logseq, notamment) : affaire à suivre, donc ! :wink:


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L’objectif de AnyType est tres similaire à NextGraph. Dans son implementation, par contre les deux projets diffèrent.
Voici mon analyse. disclaimer: je suis l’auteur de NextGraph.
Point positif pour AnyType: ils ont sorti une release et c’est utilisable dès maintenant. Alors que NextGraph est encore en plein dévelopement et rien n’est utilisable pour le moment.
Point negatifs (en anglais, désolé):

  • doesn’t have encryption at rest
  • uses a custom CRDT mechanism in the merge protocol called « any sync ». NextGraph use automerge and Yjs, the standards of CRDT today.
  • based on IPFS for the P2P network, which is not efficient, nor scalable, nor enforces data locality. your data is scattered all over the internet. they do encrypt it before sending to IPFS but still… NextGraph enforces data locality. You know and can control where you data is stored.
  • it is NOT really open source ! The source code is « open » in the sense that you can read it. But the license is not open-source. The license requires « non commercial use »
  • the graph is not based on any standard like RDF or SPARQL for queries. it is just another custom project playing around with home-made property graphs. There is no ontology, OWL, etc…
  • they dont provide browser support. with a weird notice that browsers are unsafe. which is true but can be overcome.
  • the list of features is weird. some features are absent of android and ios platform. i wonder why.
  • it is based on technologies that you cannot embed, like Golang, S3, mongodb etc…
  • there is no collaboration (yet). you can only modify your own data.
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