Tim Berners Lee appelle à la création d'un groupe de travail pour faire entrer les spécifications SOLID au W3C

TBL a envoyé un mail le 03/11/22 où il explique que les spécifications SOLID sont de plus en plus mûres et qu’il est temps de les faire entrer au W3C. Le « Working Group » est une entité du W3C plus officielle avec plus de pouvoir. Une charte doit être rédigée pour soumettre la création de ce groupe au W3C.

C’est une bonne nouvelle et un signal fort pour le projet SOLID !

Voici son email :

Solid is a movement, growing every day with exciting new deployments going live around the world. It is the vital piece of the third layer of the web, something that was missing in 1989 but that we now have.

The work of the Solid project has to date been done officially by a W3C Solid Community Group. Within this structure of the community group, we have made a substructure of panels, which operated quite like parts of W3C working groups, and we have made our own form of Editors Drafts which are quite like W3C’s normal Working Drafts. Now we made a lot of progress, the time is probably overdue to create a W3C Working Group - a more substantial entity and a more powerful tool - to do this work.

When we began work on the Solid project, it was a grassroots movement incubated and supported by MIT. Over time, a developer and research community formed around the Solid project. So many exemplary, diligent, and generous community members rallied around the project that, in 2018 we decided to take the official step of forming a W3C Community Group. The Solid Community Group has enabled the Solid community at large to socialize its ideas for the Web within the W3C. The impact of their efforts has increased awareness of the project as well as increased the diversity and number of contributors.

The main product of this has been the Solid Protocol spec, along with its test suites. Version 0.9 of the protocol was released last December. At the time of this writing, there are 6 server-side implementations of this protocol that interoperate and are actively maintained. So it is in a good place, but it needs work to increase the quality of the spec, increase test coverage, and resolve final issues. It needs the work of prioritizing and working though the issues before version 1.0 is declared, and after to future versions and/or levels.

Four years later, the Solid project continues to make significant progress. Solid is being adopted by governments, enterprises, and developers all around the world. It is being used for mission critical applications and to manage highly sensitive data. As we enter this formative period in the life of the Solid project, it is paramount that we redouble our efforts on the Solid specification in order for the standard to mature and grow sustainably.

With that in mind, I believe that we are now at a stage where moving the work from the W3C Community Group to a W3C Working Group is appropriate and necessary. To do that, the Community Group typically draws up a charter for the proposed WG.

Some of the benefits include the specs being available in w3.org/TR/ rather than just solidproject.org/TR/, review by a wider community, including for example the TAG, and the W3C Royalty Free patent policy applying more directly.

This milestone symbolizes the next step in the evolution of the Solid project and is appropriate given the continual increase in adoption of the Solid Protocol and growth of the ecosystem around it.

Solid is more than just a protocol, a concept, or a technology. It is a movement that allows collaboration, communication and commerce to evolve toward the original intent of the web. Solid is the course correction we need, a critical next step to enjoy a better web for all. Finalizing the Solid standards will help to make these goals a reality across the globe.


Tim Berners-Lee

4 « J'aime »

Excellent !!

SemApps pourrait être une septième si on se motivait un peu non ?

Par ailleurs, ce serait intéresant de ramener Bluesky, Jack Dorsey et la team ActivityPub dedans non ? Avec un (très très) bon faciliateur pour faire converger les technos et fédérer les alternatives au grand capital ! Oui je rêve :slight_smile:

Tim parle d’implémentations qui respectent tous les standards Solid. On en est encore loin… et c’est pas faute de motivation.

Oui oui il nous faut plus de ressources, on pourrait mettre cet enjeu dans nos stratégies de développement et de financement, trouver des budgets dédiés …
une piste parmi d’autres : l’appel à communs de l’ADEME, n’hésitez pas à remplir le sondage pour discuter des axes de réponses possibles ! Sondage - Appel à communs 2023 - Framadate

Que dites-vous de cette critique et de cette proposition ? https://dl.acm.org/doi/10.1145/3538969.3544464?fbclid=IwAR0t3tdhcigUnN3ca0MirAvOo12x2Vmi_2V500ldoYAnNcNmF01bAXgNYoY

Héhé :slight_smile:
Je crois qu’il y a des discussions pour intégrer Decentralized Identifiers (DIDs) v1.0 dans SOLID et que ce serait souhaitable du point de vue de nombreux acteurs, de Sacha Roger et de @niko.plp notamment …

Je ne connais pas vraiment le travail de Harry Halpin mais je crois que c’est du solide !

Salut @frederic.pascal , as tu acces a ce papier ? je ne le trouve pas enversion gratuite sr le web

Salut Niko, pardonne moi le délai de réponse. Non je ne l’ai pas trouvé mais je vais demander à l’intéressé…

1 « J'aime »

Salut @niko.plp
pardonne moi encore ce délai interminable !
J’ai trouvé un autre document qui est co-signé Alexandre Monnin. Celui-ci devrait t’intéresser en attendant. Ma demande à Halpin reste lettre morte. Du coup je vais faire la demande à Alexandre mais je te joins l’autre en attendant Traitement de : Halpin et Monnin - 2021 - Web and Philosophy A Decade Retrospective.pdf…

en fait le papier est trop gros, comment je peux vous l’expédier ?

Le charter pour la création d’un groupe de travail (WG) pour le standardisation de SOLID par le W3C a été officiellement déposé le 10 mai 2023. Ce WG permettra au projet SOLID de soumettre une proposition de recommandation au W3C.

Dear Advisory Committee Representative,

This is an advance notice that the W3C Team and Solid Community Group [1] participants are currently working on a charter for the Solid Working Group, with a primary mission to standardize the Solid Protocol and its use of associated data interoperability and authentication schemes. This effort will culminate in open standards that can be used by developers of servers and applications to continue to build a rich ecosystem that returns control of data back to users.

The Solid Community Group has been incubating Technical Reports [2] since 2018 towards that end: to describe the interoperability between different classes of products by using Web communication protocols, global identifiers, authentication and authorization mechanisms, data formats and shapes, notifications, and query interfaces. The wider Solid community has developed a suite of implementations, tools, and libraries [3] for developers, as well as applications for users [4].

The draft charter under development is at: PROPOSED Solid Working Group Charter

We welcome your feedback. If you wish to make your comments public, please use GitHub issues: Issues · solid/solid-wg-charter · GitHub

W3C Members may also discuss on the member-confidential mailing list <w3c-ac-forum@w3.org> [5]. We also welcome your general expressions of interest and support on that mailing list.

Per the current W3C process [6], the final decision to create the group rests with the Director Tim Berners-Lee, who may delegate this decision to other individuals in the team (and has been doing so in many occasions in the past). Being also affiliated with Inrupt [7], a member company with a strong interest in Solid, and in order to avoid any conflict of interest, Tim Berners-Lee has agreed to preemptively and entirely delegate the decisions regarding this charter proposal.

If you have any questions or need further information, please contact Pierre-Antoine Champin at <pierre-antoine@w3.org>.

This announcement follows section 4.1 of the W3C Process Document: W3C Process Document

Thank you,

For Tim Berners-Lee, W3C Director,
Philippe Le Hégaret, Project Management and Strategy Lead,
Pierre-Antoine Champin, Data Strategist;
Xueyuan Jia, W3C Marketing & Communications

[1] Solid Community Group
[2] Solid Technical Reports
[3] Tools and libraries overview · Solid
[4] Solid Applications · Solid
[5] W3C Authentication Platform | W3C
[6] W3C Process Document
[7] https://www.inrupt.com/

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