European Cooperation in Science and Technology

Participants are invited to submit COST Action proposals contributing to the scientific, technological, economic, cultural or societal knowledge advancement and development of Europe. Multi- and interdisciplinary proposals are encouraged.

The Open Call Action proposal submission, evaluation, selection and approval (SESA) procedure is fully science and technology-driven and will ensure a simple, transparent and competitive proposal evaluation and selection process, reflecting the bottom-up, open and inclusive principles of COST.

Participants planning to submit a proposal for a COST Action will need to refer to the SESA guidelines and to the Open Call Announcement available on the Documents and Guidelines page.

COST (European Cooperation in Science and Technology) is a funding organisation for research and innovation networks. Our Actions help connect research initiatives across Europe and beyond and enable researchers and innovators to grow their ideas in any science and technology field by sharing them with their peers. COST Actions are bottom-up networks with a duration of four years that boost research, innovation and careers.

Note d’une connaissance :

I attended the Cost action

« Title: Money Beyond Money: Actors, instruments and interrelations in the monetary ecosystem
Acronym: MoneyBMoney
Ever-increasing numbers of financial and banking crises around the world have triggered a variety of
monetary innovations in the conventional monetary system and non-conventional or alternative institutions,
such as ethical banking, Central Bank Digital Currencies, local Complementary currency systems, Fintechs,
Cryptocurrencies, and so on. The MoneyBMoney Action introduces the perspective of monetary ecosystems
to account for the interrelations among the many actors in the system and their instruments, including all
units of account, means of payment, and reserves of value. Several projects have delved into one of actors
or instruments, while the MoneyBMoney Action aims at weaving a network of networks of research,
advocacy, practice and organization of monetary innovations across Europe. It will connect the existing
networks and bridge across disciplines currently working in silos, bringing together computer engineers,
economists, managers, policy makers, and historians interested in monetary reform. It aims at mapping
initiatives, filling gaps in the data, and producing academic, educational, and policy-relevant materials. The
need for such a network on the monetary ecosystem derives from the increasing integration of new
technologies (digital currencies), the financial exclusion that still affects millions of European households, the
dozens of financial and banking crises that occurred in the last decades, and the limits set to the economy by
the planet. »

Was the old proposal that must be updated. BUT already there is a call for more disciplinary inclusion so NOT economists, but women, early career stage researchers and those who are not academics. However, probably the UK has enough people so it is desirous to have others especially from Eastern Europe. This is more of an update in case you have some in mind e.g.

1 « J'aime »

Bonjour, j’ai une expérience d’un projet COST (pour le compte d’une équipe de recherche). Vous envisagez de faire une réponse ?

Bonjour @alain.mille & co & merci @dante !

Malheureusement, nous sommes nombreux ici à être la tête dans le guidon et avoir trop peu de bande passante pour répondre sérieusement à ce type d’AAP… Mais il suffirait qu’une personne se chauffe … Quelqu’un.e motivé.e ?

J’ai cru bon retransmettre cette info qui m’a été transmis par un universitaire faisant un doctorat par rapport au sujet de l’argent.

Je l’ai retransmis ici vu les potentiels d’utilisation de protocoles du web sémantique pour faciliter, à terme, des approches et des comptabilités post monétaires, et la compréhension macro économique y liée.

Cette offre d’inclusion vise des non anglais-es en dehors du système académique, ce qui me correspondrait. Mais les procédures en elles mêmes font que celà me reste très peu accessible. J’ai l’impression que c’est un milieu académique qui veut s’ouvrir mais qui a tellement l’habitude d’être dans leur bulle qu’ils ne voient pas les barrières que celà représente.