Salut à tou.te.s !
Suite à une mise en relation via Sylvain Le Bon de Startin’Blox, on nous propose d’embarquer dans une réponse à appel à projets européen autour de SOLID …
On prévoit un rdv en début de semaine prochaine pour en parler, est-ce que ca chaufferait 1, 2 ou 3 d’entre vous (anglophones) de participer ? On fera dans tous les cas un debrief sur ce fil …
Je copie colle ci-dessous le message de Alessandro Bernes :
We are completing a consortium of more than 10 partners and writing a project proposal for Horizon Europe call on the following topic Scalable privacy-preserving technologies for cross-border federated computation in Europe involving personal data
Our goal is to create a privacy-enhancing technology, in particular a sub-type of personal data store (PDS), such as SOLID architecture. In this regard, we are searching for someone (such as app developers) that can develop for example an app/web service tool together with the specification of both system engineering, cybersecurity and legal-privacy-by-design issues that will be addressed by the other partners of the project that we have already on board. More broadly, what we are searching for at the moment is someone that has a strong expertise on Solid ecosystem, as StartinBlox has, and who can develop in the project a prototype of a transparency-enhancing tool for end-users while dealing with their data in a small online environment (e.g. car-sharing platforms, retail market, customer fidelisation, etc.).
I would like to ask you, Guillaume, if you can help us for that! Let me know for anything you need. Please consider also that the funding eligibility cost (if we win the competition for our proposal and we get funded) will be 100% covered by EU Comm.